– Lugina Miranda

Schools have re-opened and very few students are eager to go to school. Pre-schoolers are anxious about the separation from their parents, primary and middle school children are worried about facing new class teachers, homework, and missing free time and games at home. Older students are tensed about assignments, exams and fear of failure. They face tremendous pressure from parents, teachers & peers. Parents worry about their ward’s performance and teachers are stressed about the syllabus to complete, preparing lessons, setting and correcting papers.

How can one make school a more pleasant and productive place for children? How can teachers lead students to experience the joy of learning and lead them towards a discovery? How can teachers revitalize them and their outlook as they pursue one of the world’s most important and rewarding careers – inspiring and changing lives forever? How can parents come out from their high expectation and frustration at home and at school and help their kids achieve self-confidence and self-esteem for success?

What do children need?

Children do not need test, exams, marks, grades or lengthy class hours, speeches and long assemblies. They need recognition, a personal concern, love, smile, acceptance for what they are and not just for what they do. What they want to be taught is simply an extension of what they are.

Each child has a great potential

Each child is created as a unique and gifted individual. Even those born with severe physical limitations have been endowed with some wonderful talents, gifts and qualities. When children enter school, it looks like a school full of raw material. Thinkers, dreamers, planners, motivators, creators, doers etc…. If these children are handled and molded carefully, they will come out as talented, resourceful persons with hearts and minds to change the world. Ex: A child who talks too much or moves too much or takes too many chances are some of the traits that one consistently finds in successful entrepreneurs and business leaders. Often the characteristics and behaviors that annoy us most about our children will be the qualities that make them successful as adults.

Had Einstein failed in English, that certainly didn’t mean he was a failure. By differentiating children they become discouraged. When a teacher gives importance to a studious child, others are watching with despair. Child spirit is crushed when the teacher does not recognize their talent or does not give an opportunity to exhibit it. Many children have grown up feeling that they are not really as smart as everyone else. More and more children are finding that they just don’t fit into the traditional education system. Teachers and parents have to accept that each child has a different learning style. Everyone is to be valued and made to feel worthwhile. Honoring an individual strengthens their learning interests.

Treating children equally does not mean teaching the same.

Almost every teacher struggles with issues of selecting students for various activities. When one child is selected, others feel rejected. But utilizing each child’s unique learning style and talents may alleviate feelings of favoritism. Since each child is an individual, no single activity/ single teaching method can be effective for everyone.
No two kids are alike- not even identical twins. Ex: If one child is good at public speaking, the other one may be good at drawing; if one is good in sports, other is good in acting, dance, craft, music, etc… It is important to teach children to honor the differences between them. The bottom line is every child should get an opportunity to exhibit their talents. One cannot expect excellence instantly, it is a process. A teacher wears many hats – mentor, friend, expert, and even judge. They have to observe and help the child. Theirs is the task of lighting the spark within them.

Quick Reminders for Teachers

• If your students achieve something let them know you observed it. They look for a good word from you. All of us like a nod, a thumbs up, a word of appreciation.
• Gifts and the gifted must be handled with care. Dealt with carelessly they may be broken, dealt with carefully they are enhanced.
• Stay informed. Have current knowledge, attend workshops, seminars, take a refresher class, join a study group, read current topics related your profession, take active part in group interaction.
• Learning is a joy. Let your students experience that joy with their different learning style. Don’t tell them what to do. Let them experience the excitement – that is the moment of discovery.
• Praise. When you praise a student you are building his/her self-esteem and self confident. When you praise a student you are affirming the student’s individual worth.

• Spend time with your students. Get to know them. What are their dreams? What motivates them? How can you ring their interest bell? Let them get to know you. Build bridges of communication.
• Collaborate with your students. Channelize their energy, share your ideas. Divide the work, train your students to work together and you will give them life direction they will never forget.
• Keep an open mind about students. Accept them as they are and appreciate them for what they can be. Help and deal with them to overcome their inner obstacles. There is a hidden well of greatness in almost everyone. Your acceptance may be the very thing that propels them to great success.
• Love yourself; take care of yourself. So that you can love and take care of others. There are times teacher’s fuel gets over and they feel very tired and helpless. Teachers need a “time Out”. Remember you are teaching with your life as well as your textbook. Certainly you need lots of energy, strength and patience. Relaxation, Yoga, meditation, exercise, counseling are some techniques which restore your lost energy, strength and patience; to leave lasting influence on students.