Enabling individuals to transform their personal challenges into life enhancing opportunities through deeper self-exploration and understanding, thereby contributing to the growth of their emotional and psychological wellbeing resulting in a healthy society.

• We respect the confidentiality of our clients.

• Counselling only on prior appointment.

Upcoming Event:


Understanding stress:
# Science behind it: The fight, flight, & freeze response
# Effect of stress on body and mind
Deactivating stress:
# Through power of thought and positive self talk
# Mindfulness and meditation
# Evidence based relaxation techniques
# Stress-busting activities

New Article:

Mobile Addiction In Teens - Parents' Concern

Smart phone addiction is like a disease or disorder. This term refers obsessive behaviour that disturbs their normal day to day activities. It is similar to drug addiction. Spending so much time on a smart phone, the teenager’s mood suddenly changes and may become intensely blank, forgetting, stressed, anxious, irritable, angry, violent, not responding in conversation, secretive behaviour, staying up till late night or laying on bed all day long....

New Testimonial:

I am a strong woman and I knew I can deal with anything in life. Until one day life punched me so hard that I became like a tree cut from it's base. With no much hope, nor any wish, a dead log I had become.

During this dark time of my life I got to attend Lugina mams counseling. With her classroom sessions and personal counselling I was able to get hold on myself and it helped me heal.

Lugina mam has many years of experience in personal counseling and she has some effective therapies. With the opening of You matter there will be many more people who will benefit from Lugina mam and the excellent team of counsellors they have. Wishing You Matter all the very best.


Individual Counselling