– Lugina Miranda

Mrs. D’souza accompanied her son, John, a student of std. 8th. Her concern was John’s studies. John failed for the 1st time in 3 subjects. She was shocked and could not control her emotions. She was worried about her son’s future. John was looking disturbed. These days he has become very quiet. Most of the time he seems engrossed with his books. His complaint was that he couldn’t concentrate – thoughts of failing again were in his mind. He would wonder how his mother will react if he’ll fail again. He feels much tensed and the thought of exams makes him feel nervous.

Zarina a student of std.9th said, “Ma’am, I am studying all the time. I prepare quite well for my exams. But the moment I get the question paper in my hand I forget everything, I become absolutely blank. How to get out of this problem? I feel frustrated”.

Rahul of Std. 10th says, “I am good in studies. My parents want me to score above 90%. They keep telling “study study”. I feel very angry whenever they say “study”. These days I am really fed up. I have lost interest in studies. My parents are pressurizing me. I am really confused. I hate exams.”

Mrs. Bindu said, “It’s an emergency” and subsequently fixed an appointment. Just as she entered the counseling room she burst out in tears. She took 10 minutes to settle down. Her only son, who was good in studies, appeared for the 12th std. board exam that day with great difficulty. She said, “He was studying day and night on his own without any pressure. All these days he was sleeping only 3 to 4hrs and last night he might have hardly slept. This morning as he came down for breakfast he fainted. He had become pale and was not able to stand. He was throwing out all that he ate.” The panicked parents accompanied him till the exam hall, the father was waiting there and the mother had come here.

A group of students expressed their difficulties as their exams were approaching. They said, “We cannot remember anything that we study, there is too much portion to study, time is insufficient, we are feeling confused”. Thoughts about the reaction from parents, teachers or relatives if they score less marks were bothering them. They said that they just don’t like exams since they are feeling very tensed.

Our education system is such that what is done in the whole year is to be written in 3hrs exam and through the results we justify their abilities or label them. Most of the students feel anxious for this kind of exams and results. Until our education system changes, we have to face these exams.

It has to be realized by students that feeding our mind with negative messages towards studies and exams can lead to anguish and self-defeating behavior. Many students don’t do well in exams not because exams are difficult but because many have prejudice towards studies and exams. Before study they think that studying subjects for exams are hard and so their mind set is already negative and naturally, they feel nervous, forgetful, tensed, confused, anxious, and thus show no interest in their studies. Therefore, a healthy and positive attitude towards study is very essential.

Failure is not an end of life it is just a beginning of a new way of life. Experiencing failures and mistakes lead to success. Wise people learn from their mistakes and failures.

Students have to study to acquire knowledge rather than study for exams. They need a good study method. Some of them are as follows:

  1. Have a fixed and quiet place to study preferably a study table and a chair against a plain wall to avoid all distractions.
  2. Make a time table for study – try to allot time for all subjects every day.
  3. Study in short span of 30-45minutes. Attention span does not last beyond this duration. Short breaks help maintain interest. Avoid T.V., computer and long chat during breaks but move out of the study room as that is important to relax.
  4. Recall or just write down points what you have studied just before the break
  5. Do not study lying on the bed, maintain a good posture. Also switch off music while studying.
  6. Take self tests weekly, time your tests and give yourself marks. This helps to motivate, gives the student a realistic understanding of his preparation and reduces exam anxiety.


When we feel anxious or tensed it affects our ability to concentrate. When our body feels relaxed our minds become calmer. Relaxation is an effective method to improve our performance.


Eat moderately – neither too much nor too little. Avoid excessive oily, sweet and junk food. Remember breakfast is the important meal of the day which helps to increase attention and concentration. Drink sufficient water at least 2 liters per day.


Physical exercise helps to improve mental ability. At least one-hour exercises like brisk walking, jogging, skipping, swimming, dancing, playing out door games and yoga etc., are very essential.


Get sufficient sleep. Right quota of sleep (at least 8hrs) is crucial for performance.


If you are unable to handle the stress or anxiety or any kind of uneasiness and restlessness meet a counsellor who will help you and guide you, so that you can start afresh.

Tips on Exam Day

  • Start a day with sufficient rest followed by a small prayer or meditation.
  • Get ready on time – pack the required material.
  • Don’t study till the last moment.
  • Talk to your friends but not about studies or exam.
  • Don’t wait outside the hall for a long time.
  • Once in the hall, take time to settle down and set your table.
  • Take deep breaths, close your eyes and observe your breathing for a minute or two.
  • Once the question paper is in your hand don’t hurry to read it.
  • Feel comfortable before you start answering.
  • If you do not know a question, move on to the next after leaving some space or try it later.